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A lesson from Germany on how Britain should treat asylum seekers

A lesson from Germany on how Britain should treat asylum seekers

A lesson from Germany on how Britain should treat asylum seekers

Regarding the treatment of refugees in the UK (as reported on May 2nd), I have firsthand experience working in a government-managed facility for asylum seekers in Germany. Upon arrival, individuals undergo an initial interview to establish their identity and language proficiency. They receive health assessments, vaccinations, and essential supplies, including clothing and hygiene products. Accommodation is provided in shared rooms, with families housed together and separate arrangements for men and women.

The facility offers three meals daily, free public transportation within the city, access to German language classes, social work support, and integration activities to foster a sense of belonging and safety. Residents also have the opportunity to engage in paid work within the facility.

Prior to their asylum application interview with the migration and refugee department, individuals receive support from social workers. Family ties are considered in the application process, recognizing the benefits of integration through existing social networks and support systems.

Regardless of their status as asylum seekers or economic migrants, refugees are treated with dignity and compassion. Providing safety, support, and protection to those fleeing oppression and persecution not only fulfills humanitarian obligations but also enriches the host country as refugees integrate and contribute to society.

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