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Ashwin Ramaswami

Ashwin Ramaswami

Trump fired his boss in 2020. Now, this Gen Z candidate is up against a fake elector

Ashwin Ramaswami, at 24 years old, found himself at the intersection of politics and cybersecurity during the tumultuous events of late 2020. As an intern at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, he witnessed firsthand the fallout from former President Donald Trump’s dismissal of his boss over disagreements regarding voter fraud claims. Now, as a Democratic candidate for Georgia’s District 48 Senate seat, he’s embarked on a mission to challenge the Republican incumbent, Shawn Still, a Trump ally facing indictment for allegedly attempting to manipulate the 2020 election results.

Ramaswami’s decision to enter the political arena was driven by a deep-seated commitment to protecting the integrity of the electoral process. In an interview with USA TODAY, he emphasized the importance of safeguarding democracy and ensuring that every vote counts. His campaign is grounded in the belief that the next generation of leaders must uphold principles of integrity and honesty in politics, even in the face of formidable challenges.

Central to Ramaswami’s platform is the preservation of election integrity, a pressing issue in light of recent attempts to undermine the democratic process. He has also highlighted other key issues such as healthcare, education, and the economy, but his primary focus remains on restoring trust in the electoral system.

Despite being a first-time political candidate, Ramaswami has managed to significantly outpace his opponent in fundraising, signaling strong support for his candidacy. However, he faces an uphill battle in appealing to voters in a district redrawn to favor Republicans, according to political science experts.

Election integrity and democracy are at the forefront of the fight for District 48. A recent poll revealed that a significant portion of Georgia adults prioritize preserving democracy when casting their ballots, reflecting widespread concerns about the integrity of the electoral process. Ramaswami’s advocacy for fair and accurate elections resonates with voters who view their right to vote as fundamental to democracy.

Ramaswami’s background in cybersecurity and infrastructure gives him unique insight into the vulnerabilities of election systems, further bolstering his credibility on the issue of election integrity. His decision to challenge Still was motivated by the incumbent’s indictment for his alleged role in attempting to subvert the 2020 election results, a move that undermines the trust of all Georgians in the electoral process.

While Still boasts an extensive legislative record and ambitious plans for his second term, Ramaswami offers a fresh perspective and a commitment to addressing the concerns of his constituents. He believes that his focus on issues such as education, healthcare, and reproductive rights will resonate with voters who feel underserved by the current Republican majority in the state Senate.

The demographic makeup of District 48 presents both challenges and opportunities for Ramaswami. While the district has traditionally leaned Republican, demographic shifts driven by an influx of diverse populations could tip the scales in his favor. Key constituencies, such as college-educated white voters and the growing Indian-American community, may prove crucial in determining the outcome of the election.

As November approaches, the race between Ramaswami and Still continues to intensify. The outcome will not only determine the representation of District 48 but also send a powerful message about the future of Georgia politics. Ramaswami’s candidacy represents a bold vision for change and a commitment to defending democracy against all odds.